
Kijiko: recoloured 3D eyelashes by Valhallan

Archdruid: a Heroes of the Storm Malfurion's Beard conversion by Valhallan

Lildari: a World of Warcraft Demon Hunter horns conversion (smaller version) by Valhallan

Oculus: a Third Eye accessory by Valhallan

Alchemist: a The Sims Medieval outfit conversion by Valhallan

Champion: a The Sims Medieval conversion by Valhallan

Infantry: a The Sims Medieval outfit conversion by Valhallan

Rogue: a The Sims Medieval outfit conversion by Valhallan

Amour-propre: a Pride Month accessory jacket with patches recolour by Valhallan

Proud: a Pride Month beanie and hat recolour by Valhallan

Simbolic: a Pride Month cape recolour by Valhallan

Rainbeard: a Pride Month beard recolour by Valhallan

Wraith: an Overwatch Reaper conversion by Valhallan

Oasis: an Overwatch Symmetra Anniversary helmet conversion by Valhallan

Uprising: an Overwatch Uprising sprays conversion by Valhallan

Guardian: an Orisa from Overwatch spray conversion by Valhallan

Warmth: a cloak conversion by Valhallan

Illikid: a World of Warcraft Demon Hunter horn conversion for Children by Valhallan

Warriors: a Telltale Game of Thrones cloak conversion by Valhallan

Karl: a male full body outfit conversion from the Sims Medieval by Valhallan

Hills of Eostre: 10 different types of hills by Valhallan

Big Boy Pants: City Living pants seperated by Valhallan

Skjaldborg: a collection of 6 different armour tops by Valhallan

Feldr: a fur collar conversion from Telltale's Game of Thrones and World of Warcraft by Valhallan

Valentines: an Overwatch Valentines Day painting conversion by Valhallan