SERAPHIM: a Heroes of the Storm Tyrael head wing conversion by Valhallan
- 5 seperate .packages or 1 merged package containing: small, medium and large wings for Teen - Elder, one for children and one for toddlers
- Enabled for all genders
- Found under Hats
- Each version has all 75 swatches from @wildlyminiaturesandwich’ Sandwich Palette, plus the original swatch
- Disabled for random, enabled for all occult (vampires, aliens, mermaids and spellcasters)
- All custom thumbnails, correctly color flagged for easy finding
Blizzard for the original mesh, extracted from the game Heroes of the
Storm. Model was extracted from the game by lezisell on deviantArt. I
edited all of the textures and edited the 3D model itself to make it fit
into the Sims 4. Made with the Sims 4 Studio.
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